
Monday, September 13, 2010

That sex movie is a virus!

NEW DELHI: Almost after a decade, email virus is back. An e-mail that promises free sex movies is infecting users' PCs around the world, warn security companies.

According to security firm McAfee, the email with subject line "Here you have", purports to be either Adobe PDF documents or a free porn film.

"The URL does not actually lead to a PDF document, but rather an executable in disguise, such as PDF_Document21_025542010_pdf.scr served from a different domain," McAfee said in its blog.

On following the hyperlink included in the email, the user is prompted to download or execute the virus.

"When run, the virus installs itself to the Windows directory as CSRSS.EXE," the company said.

"Once infected, the worm attempts to send the aforementioned message to email address book recipients. It can also spread through accessible remote machines, mapped drives, and removable media via Autorun replication," according to the security firm.

McAfee said the virus also attempts to delete security software. Web reports suggest that some companies like AIG, Disney, Procter & Gamble and Wells Fargo have been affected by the virus.

In an alert sent out to customers McAfee reportedly recommended blocking .scr files at the Internet gateway. "McAfee has received confirmation that some customers have received large volumes of spam containing a link to malware, a mass-mailing worm identified as VBMania," the note reads. "The symptom reported thus far is that the spam volume is overwhelming the email infrastructure."

Both McAfee and Symantec claim to have released patches for the virus.

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